Our Services

Aristotle is said to have ruled that 'Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom,' But how do we go about knowing ourself better? Therapy can be helpful.
The many different kinds of therapies (modalities) out there can be confusing, but they all lead to the same place of increased self awareness. They just do it in slightly different ways. So how do you know which is the right one for you?
Read about what we offer below. Call us - we love to talk about what we do. Book a session. For me, it's more about the relationship that modality and you will soon get a flavour of whether the relationship is right for you.
What We
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Main concept:
Our thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and actions are interconnected.
Negative thoughts & feelings can trap us in a negative cycle.
We can deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them into smaller parts.
Reinforces new habits to help us feel better and achieve your goals.
Compassion Focussed Therapy
Main Concept:
Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is a therapeutic approach that aims to help those who struggle with shame and self-criticism, often resulting from early experiences of abuse or neglect. Uses a variety of techniques to promote healing:
Promotes self-acceptance.
Works on the principal that we are all human and therefore perfect in our imperfection.
A kinder approach to self, others, and our capacity to accept kindness, love, and support from others.
Relational Counselling
Main Concept:
Recognising and exploring the journey of each individual and their attachments through life from childhood to adulthood.
The focus is on learning how to deepen inter and intrapersonal relationships.
This evidence based and therapy draws from a variety of other modalities including CBT & Transactional Analysis.
What is Transactional Analysis?
Main Concept:
Psychoanalytic theory and method of therapy come together to explore social interactions and improve relationships.
Helps resolve relationship issues by identifying which mode of communication we are using (whether parent-like, childlike, or adult-like)
Provides a basis for understanding behaviour and improving relationships.
Psychosexual Couselling
Main Concept:
Having a healthy sex life can be a sign of a happy, healthy relationship.
Therapy helps us to increase our sexual satisfaction.
Our Couples Counsellor and Psychosexual Therapists currently have weekend and weekday evening availability
We work both face to face & online.
We will work with couples together and separately.
Solution Focussed Therapy
What is Solution Focussed Therapy
Main Concept:
We all have the inner resources to work towards our goals.
Short term therapy (blocks of around 6 weeks)
It uses reflection, Motivational Interviewing and Coaching techniques.
Person Centred Therapy
Main Concept:
We all have the capacity to decide on what’s best for us and become the best version of ourselves.
Seeks to facilitate our capacity to decide on the best direction in life.
Promotes our capacity to grow and reach self-fulfilment.
Uses unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathic understanding.
Trauma Focussed CBT for PTSD
Main Concept:
We can be so overcome by overwhelming events that the memory cannot be processed properly. Reminders in our daily life, (smells, feelings, sounds, flashbacks, etc.) can make us feel we are reliving the event over and over again. Some of the things we do to protect ourselves can be avoiding reminders, being constantly hyper vigilant. This this can impact on our lives in many ways.
TF CBT helps tackle thought of the event
Reduces anxiety & avoidant behaviour
Gradually exposes to the overwhelming memory using behavioural experiments & assigns it to the past while processing the emotion.
Helps us rebuild our lives the way we want to live.
Somatic Therapy
Main Concept:
Our body and mind are closely connected. Our experiences in life leave their mark on our bodies.
Helps to release stress, tension, and trauma from the body.
Incorporates body-oriented modalities such as dance, breathwork, and
meditation to support mental healing.
Combines talking therapy and mind-body exercises.
Couples Counselling
Main Concept:
A talking therapy helps to improve your relationship.
Identifies negative communication styles.
Helps you and your partner develop more positive patterns within the relationship.
Somatic Therapy
Main Concept:
Our body and mind are closely connected. Our experiences in life leave their mark on our bodies.
Helps to release stress, tension, and trauma from the body.
Incorporates body-oriented modalities such as dance, breathwork, and meditation to support mental healing.
Combines talking therapy and mind-body exercises.